
Where have you been?!!

I don't call. I don't write.
The nerve.

I guess I have some explainin' to do.
Well, I've been just a little busy with my personal life lately. It's as simple as that. I have been feverishly planning the most wonderful event: my wedding to the loveliest, sweetest man, which is going to happen in 30 short days! (Eeeekkkk!!!) I cannot begin to tell you how excited we are. Everything is finally falling into place and the "to-do" list is getting a lot shorter. I'm just hoping that the Chicago weather holds out for us and we have a sunny, crisp fall day!

A few weeks ago, I also completed my first ever sprint distance triathlon here in Chicago. That was a HUGE personal goal for me that I have been working on since February (and hey, it didn't hurt that it helped me lose a few pounds for the wedding!). I am so proud of myself for accomplishing it. Sports have always played a role in my life, but I have to say, swimming for a half-mile in open-water never has. Beyond casual swimming, I had no idea what I was doing. So I signed up for some lessons this past winter and then practiced, practiced, practiced. Obviously, swimming in a race setting, with a bunch of other people was the panic-inducing portion of the race for me. But thankfully, the swim went better than I could have ever hoped. The rest of the race was HARD, but very fun. I literally caught myself smiling so many times because I was so excited and proud. There's nothing that will make you more proud of yourself than doing something that seems a little risky, a little out of reach, and makes your nervous heart beat a little faster just thinking about it. It's worth it! Prepare, train, set yourself up for success and go do it! You'll be so proud of yourself afterwards. Promise.

Ok, enough pep talk. I'm just feeling so energized lately and am ready, with all of my personal plans falling into place, to step back into my Etsy shop and the blog world and send some positive energy and lovely cards your way! I hope you'll come along for the ride! xo-Kami

This is literally what I yelled out as I exited the water, "Yay! I didn't drown!"