
Budget-Friendly Holiday Decor

Now that it's officially December, my mind turns to the holidays. Besides a few white lights and sometimes a nice, fresh green tree, I'm not too big on holiday decor. I blame this on my current apartment (not a lot of room) and my lack of off-season storage (no room at all). Maybe someday when I have a larger space, I'll be more seasonally-inspired. For now, though, I like to keep things minimal. This diy wreath project over on Design*Sponge caught my eye, though. It's wintery, without being too "Christmas-ey," and with its soft colors, it could stay up for a few months. I always have leftover grocery bags and spray paint around, so this would be a "free" decor project that wouldn't take up any floor space. Free and cute? Perfect!

Click here to check out more images and the full instructions at Design*Sponge.

Image source: Design*Sponge