
Is it Friday yet?

I can't wait for this weekend! It's going to be "Studio Set-Up" Time. I've got a huge to-do list in front of me and I'm ready to tackle it. But, alas, it's only Tuesday. With a full-time job, my man's birthday, and some necessary socializing this week (c'mon, a girl needs to get out once in a while!), the setup fun will just have to wait.

I've got my plans, though. I feel very lucky to have an extra, out-of-the-way room available for my use, especially since we are renters and space is at a premium. I've got a nice, long counter and a chair (and of course, my computer), but I need to get organized! I'm going to pick up a few flat file drawers from Ikea to keep my papers organized, my inventory nice and clean, and my supplies where I can immediately find them. I have so many craft and art supplies, but since they've slowly trickled into my life, I haven't taken the time to actually organize them. It will feel great to start my business off on the right (organized) foot. I'll post some pics later this month once my studio really starts to take shape. Wish me luck!

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