
Studio Sweet Studio

(Sunken Treasure Studio/ photo: Sophie Schellekens

If this was my studio I would never, ever leave!

My friend just sent over an link to the site Studio Sweet Studio and I couldn't be more in love. Looking at all of these artists' spaces and where the magic happens is so inspiring! Go look!

Helen Rawlinson's studio (her Etsy shop is here)
Swoon. Can I please have all of these papers?!
I bet it smells so inky and wonderful in her studio, too :)

Images: Helen Rawlinson

Lana Pelana's Studio (her Etsy shop is here) Doesn't her stuff make you smile?

Images: Lana Pelana

So fun to see the artist + studio + the art! Even with Etsy, you don't always get to see the people behind the work. Ok, what are you waiting for? Get over to Studio Sweet Studio and check the spaces out!

Have a great weekend! -Kami


good morning!

If you want to make this cinnamon bread, you can find the recipe here at the Italian Dish blog. This was my first shot at making the cinnamon bread and it turned out a little dry, but that's not keeping me from eating it! The Italian Dish is a great recipe resource for any italian food-lovers! (or if you just like great homemade food!)

hgtv design star

Did you see it?!

Ok, I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea and not everyone drains-their-brains with cable tv, but I like me a good design show.

Last night's episode had a good mix of designs/styles as the designers revamped different rooms in a seaside bed & breakfast. There were some nice pieces in each room (ok, most rooms), but my fave was definitely the room done by this trio: Karl, Meg and Mark.

I'm hoping Meg keeps going strong, since I've fallen in love with this bed.

(Note: I'm not sure what is going on with the pics on HGTV's site...they're look very dull. The colors were much more vibrant!)

Check out more pictures from the episode at HGTV's website.

Image source:HGTV