
Draw on Your Walls

Ok, I don't know about you, but even though I'm a grown woman, I love the idea of being able to draw all over my walls. I have a tiny chalkboard "area" in my current apartment, but being a renter, there's not much I can do as far as super-creative decorating. Enter "IdeaPaint". This stuff seems pretty similar to chalkboard paint, in that you can paint it on just about any surface, and then easily paint over it with regular paint whenever you're tired of it. But really, who would get tired of having an entire dry-erase WALL? This paint is geared toward creative professionals through the Behance Outfitter website, but wouldn't this also be awesome in a kid's play room? Or (who am I kidding) MY room? You could change your "wallpaper" design every week, write down chore lists and weekly schedules, or just leave a nice big love note for your sweetie. How fun would that be?

Cleveland International Film Festival!

I'm already looking forward to the Cleveland International Film Festival! This year it runs March 18th through the 28th. My honey and his family are really into the film festival and I'm lucky enough to be attending my 3rd film festival this year. I'm only able to make it for one zombifying weekend where we watch 5 to 7 amazing, independent and international movies a day. It takes a few weeks (months) to process everything that you've seen in such a condensed time frame. You see more amazing movies in three days than you would normally see in a whole year. Pretty cool. Of course, the designer in me is excited to get my hands on this year's poster. Last year's poster was great and from the design tidbits that I found on the festival website, it looks like they've come up with a really fun, modern type treatment for this year. I must have one!

Cleveland International Film Festival
March 18-28th,2010

Snowy Day in Chicago

Another snowy day here in Chicago. Sigh. It is beautiful, but I don't think there are many Chicagoans who would disagree that it's time for spring to get here. Now. The one thing the winter has going for it is the Winter Olympics. I'm really into the skiing events this year and they're making me think of all those cool vintage ski posters. Now I'm feeling the itch to design something nordic-ski-inspired, so I went online in search of some great "inspirado." So many amazing things to be inspired by! Maybe some winter/ski cards and prints coming your way?

Stay warm out there! -Kami


Cute Cup o' Joe

I just saw this sweet new branding design for Fresh Simple Cafe in Brooklyn over on Twig and Thistle (one of my favorite blogs to check on a daily basis). The look is so sweet and calm. I like the limited use of colors and the simplicity. I wish I could stop by the cafe every day on my way to work and grab a cup! I would probably save the bag forever, it's just so darn cute.


Happy Weekend!

It's Friday and, as always, I'm looking ahead to the weekend. My goals are to get over this cold (sniffle, sniffle) and to make some more progress in the shop. I've got a few new items ready for listing, so be sure to check those out in the next few days. Going to watch my guy play some squash games tonight and Saturday. Maybe some heart-shaped french toast is on the horizon for Valentine's morning? My musts for this weekend are relaxation and staying warm and cozy here in chilly Chicago! I came across this picture today and it makes me want spring even more than I already do! So sweet and such a pretty play of light and shadows.

Enjoy your weekend and think warm thoughts!


The Shop is Almost Ready!

Well kiddies, I'm still hard at work here getting my shop ready and open for business! My February 1st deadline has passed, but I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm still on track and am willing to break my own deadline if it means getting things done right. It's so great to finally have "inventory" and not just a bunch of ideas on paper and in my computer. It makes it so much more real.

It feels great to have my creative energy funneling into these projects. I was worried that I might start to feel a little "burned out" from working all day and then coming home and working some more. In fact, though, this whole endeavor has left me feeling more creative, inspired and determined than I've felt in a long time. I'm so happy that I've started out on this journey and can't wait to share my work. I already have to say much thanks to my family, friends and hubbie-to-be for their support and encouragement so far. Thank you all!

For now, the shop still sparsely populated, but here's a little sneak peak to whet your appetite. Happy Super Bowl Sunday!