
The Shop is Almost Ready!

Well kiddies, I'm still hard at work here getting my shop ready and open for business! My February 1st deadline has passed, but I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm still on track and am willing to break my own deadline if it means getting things done right. It's so great to finally have "inventory" and not just a bunch of ideas on paper and in my computer. It makes it so much more real.

It feels great to have my creative energy funneling into these projects. I was worried that I might start to feel a little "burned out" from working all day and then coming home and working some more. In fact, though, this whole endeavor has left me feeling more creative, inspired and determined than I've felt in a long time. I'm so happy that I've started out on this journey and can't wait to share my work. I already have to say much thanks to my family, friends and hubbie-to-be for their support and encouragement so far. Thank you all!

For now, the shop still sparsely populated, but here's a little sneak peak to whet your appetite. Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

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